Beyond Business
posted on September 2, 2016 by Scott Tibbitts in from Scott
“This took my breath away, and this is why we do what we do.” Katasi attracts talented people because of the nature of the problem set and the business opportunity. The people involved have the opportunity to solve a big problem with an elegant technical solution. The icing on the cake is the reward of […]
•••Driving While Distracted: Can technology stop the problem it caused?
posted on August 12, 2016 by Michelle Beard in media
“It’s like a disease and a vaccine” says Katasi’s CEO, Scott Tibbitts Driving while socially distracted is one of the most life threatening issues about our relationship to technology, and yet, in an ironic twist, the very thing that caused the problem may be the ultimate solution. See the CNN.com segment here that features Katasi and […]
•••Anecdotal Research of a FedEx Courier
posted on July 26, 2016 by Michelle Beard in groovement
From the Driver’s Seat: Anecdotal Research of a FedEx Courier Sometimes the most telling ground truth comes from random connections with people. Some of our bigger discoveries with respect to the belly of the distracted driving beast come from the casual conversations that pop up in the most unusual places, usually catalyzed by a “So […]
•••Shouldn’t This Be Legislated???
posted on July 12, 2016 by Scott Tibbitts in from Scott
Groove: Shouldn’t This Be Legislated??? I’m often asked…” shouldn’t this be legislated???” yes, but… for legislation to work, it needs to support the agenda of as many stakeholders as possible…telco’s, government, insurance companies, drivers… and needs to be thought out so that all involved say “yes” … with distracted driving, we are all on the […]
•••Time Management Lesson From a Rattlesnake
posted on July 6, 2016 by Katasi in Featured
Time Management Lesson From a Rattlesnake I always wondered if I would recognize the sound. I dreaded hearing it, but I was even more afraid of what would happen if I didn’t hear it. But that sound? It’s unmistakable. And when I finally did hear it that day last summer, I knew it immediately: that […]